Lighting and how it affects clouds is much more realistic with the volumetric clouds. This allows for volumetric clouds to the horizon. With the volumetric clouds we are able to offer extended cloud draw beyond that of v4. Featuring the most complex, realistic lighting effects of any cumulus cloud layer offered (you will still have the option to run v4 style particle-based clouds). What you gain are some amazing visual effects! It takes cloud data from the already existing X-Plane weather menu that you are used to, so there's nothing new to learn.
Does skymaxx pro 4.5 work with active sky pro#
SkyMaxx Pro is a plug-in that disables X-Plane's cloud and weather rendering engine, then replaces it with the SkyMaxx Pro's version of clouds.

This adds a highly sophisticated level of realism to the X-Plane 11 world, and greatly enhances the immersive environment for both low-level GA flyers and high-altitude airline pilots. This detailed, cloud specific information is passed onto Real Weather Connector, allowing SkyMaxx Pro v5 cloud types and their corresponding cloud textures in X-Plane 11 to be correctly interpreted and drawn for different altitude levels, while at the same time FS Global Real Weather injects real-time wind data into X-Plane 11. Cirrocumulus, Nimbostratus and Stratocumulus depiction in X-Plane 11 is planned for the near future. Maxx-XP, in co-operation with Sundog Software, and X-Aviation are excited to bring you another game changing experience to the weather rendering in X-Plane 11! SkyMaxx Pro v5 is an X-Plane cloud and sky replacement engine boasting all-new technology for X-Plane that it's almost like having an all-new sim!įSGRW Integration!: The FS Global Real Weather engine is able to process a wide variety of cloud identifiers, such as Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus, Cumulonimbus and Towering Cumulus. X-Plane's most popular and best-selling add-on is back as version 5, and with some great new features!

SkyMaxx Pro v5 - A revolutionary weather rendering engine for X-Plane 11! Want the best weather in X-Plane? Buy SkyMaxx Pro v5 and Real Weather Connector for amazing immersion!